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Because you can boost happiness by taking time for small moments of joy. 🙌 ✅

Content Starts Meet the human equivalent of chicken soup

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Chicken soup is an age-old folk remedy for all kinds of ailments and discomforts. You’ve known that since like kindergarten, right? 🙌

Ever Googled ‘why chicken soup is good for you’?

If yes, you’ve likely seen pages and pages of tidbits and stories on how the veggies, broth, seasonings, etc., all work together like a fine-tuned orchestra to create the nectar we call chicken soup.

And while all of that info may not fully account for the alchemy of chicken soup, most folks wholeheartedly agree: Chicken soup brings warmth, comfort, and mends things.

(One of the most beloved book series of the last few decades is called “Chicken Soup for the Soul” for a reason, no?)

I’m sharing this with you for two reasons, both of which are meant to usher in a quick intro to your new helper here at mint mortgage, Gerry Schiltroth.

Reason #1: Because Ger is the human equivalent of chicken soup. đź’ť

Reason #2: Because I feel you’d likely think ‘always warm, supportive, and helpful’ upon meeting Ger, whether offline or online.

And that’s just part of why I’m super happy that he’s joining the mint mortgage crew, and that our clients, friends, and fans now have one more genuine helper to lean on.

Over to you: Can we get a “Welcome aboard!” for Ger?! 🤗💝

Air hugs until we can bear hugs,
Sarah Schiess

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