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Because you can boost happiness by taking time for small moments of joy. 🙌 ✅

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If you know anything for sure, you know what you like, right? 🏆 💯 Whether it’s cats or dogs, Star Wars or Star Trek, Starbucks or Tims, once you like something or someone you usually have no doubt about that.

And you usually like them because they help you somehow. From improving your mood, to offering you great treats, to helping you get the not-so-fun-but-important shtuff done, the things and people you like tend to be so darn helpful.

One such person is my crew mate Lindsay Vickers. Both myself and others feel that way, in big part because:

– Her problem-solving skills are as solid as granite.
– Her emails are as light and sweet as whipped cream.
– Her follow-throughs are as smooth as silk and as reliable as the sunrise.

Just listen to what one of our recent clients said about her:

“I went through mint mortgage, specifically with Lindsay, for my first mortgage. Not knowing what to expect or how the mortgage process works, Lindsay was amazing and made the process super easy and organized.

She was very responsive whenever I needed help with anything. What should normally be a very stressful process turned out to go extremely smoothly and organized thanks to mint mortgage and Lindsay.” – Gerad Dyck (Via Google reviews)

Lindsay is also living proof that you can have pretty much everything you want in life if you help a lot of other folks get what they want. Case in point: She recently purchased a home she’s been thinking about for a long time. (The second image/screengrab in this post shows her #guardcatsonduty.)

Lindsay, thank you for always being so helpful. I could go on and on about how fantabulous you are. But as everybody’s pressed for time, let me just say this: the above are just some of the many reasons why you’re the mint-setter of Summer 2021. 🥇

Shine on, Lindsay!! ✨
Sarah Sloane, founder of mint mortgage

p.s. A handy reminder: A jet-setter is a person who actually DOES what most people only dream about. A mint-setter is a mint crew member who actually DOES what most people only dream about.

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